“How do I brighten and heal my skin? I have all this _______.” Fill in the blank with “hyperpigmentation,” “old acne scarring,” “skin texture,” “overall skin dullness”…the list goes on.
This is a question we hear every. single. day. And guess what? We’re here to help you.
Meet the Selah Dermaplaning Facial.
We created this 55-minute skincare treatment here at The Studio that helps heal these exact concerns by removing dead skin cells and vellus hair, a.k.a. peach fuzz. It’s a form of manual skin exfoliation using a small scalpel by a licensed esthetician. And best of all? It’s painless. Oh, and you see instant results. Like, as in, the first day.
Our service includes the application of a customized Selah Organics treatment serum made to address your specific needs plus an LED light therapy session. Limited extractions will also be performed if needed. We’re rolling out this Selah Dermaplaning Facial right now for just $145 per session.
Ok, so besides an awesome exfoliation, why else would I want to Dermaplan?
Once we remove the peach fuzz and scalpel off the dead skin, you’ll notice brighter, smoother and more
This will allow for your skin to truly drink up the benefits of your skin care products. For example, when you apply your Selah Organics Radiance Serum, it’s really able to absorb the pure Carotene and Vitamins A + E in the serum that keeps your skin hydrated and builds the immune system of your skin to ward off damaging UV’s.
So, in other words, your skin will be very grateful and it’ll show you its gratitude in-stant-ly.
Wait. It gets better.
Not only does our treatment have instant results, but you’re also making an investment in your skin for the long haul. In the long term, you can look forward to increased cell turnover, fewer wrinkles and dark spots, reduction of acne scarring, and the removal of fine facial hair.
Will my peach fuzz grow back darker or thicker you ask? Nope.
It’s the finest hair on your body and it will remain the same color and texture regardless of how many times it’s been removed. Vellus hair is different from Terminal Hair (think eyebrow and leg hair) which is courser hair.
Ok, I’m Interested. How do I start?
Set up your appointment at The Studio by calling 786.391.2364. Each of our estheticians
While you can certainly try the treatment once, we recommend this treatment every 4-6 weeks as needed to achieve your skin goals.
Drop them in the comments below and we’ll help get you the answers you need!